title slate-NEW MEXICO.jpg
adobe architecture - New Mexico Museum of Art - santa fe
adobe architecture - New Mexico Museum of Art - santa fe
performing arts theatre
performing arts theatre
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
christmas eve canyon road walk - art gallery district
christmas eve canyon road walk - art gallery district
donna - from the dine tribe - posed for me
donna - from the dine tribe - posed for me
strong shadows on adobe
strong shadows on adobe
santa fe public library
santa fe public library
ghost ranch - site for many western movies including city slickers and Magnificent 7
ghost ranch - site for many western movies including city slickers and Magnificent 7
chimney rock at ghost ranch - georgia o'keefe lived and sketched here
chimney rock at ghost ranch - georgia o'keefe lived and sketched here
capturing the breathtaking view atop chimney rock plateau. (left photo: unknowing selfie; photo credit: ivy)
capturing the breathtaking view atop chimney rock plateau. (left photo: unknowing selfie; photo credit: ivy)
looking westward these incredibly ominous rock formations
looking westward these incredibly ominous rock formations
leaving ghost ranch area at sunset - the colour change in these rocks throughout the day is simply magical
leaving ghost ranch area at sunset - the colour change in these rocks throughout the day is simply magical
and speaking of magic, New Mexico night skies are just unreal
and speaking of magic, New Mexico night skies are just unreal
the loretto chapel with its famous spiral staircase
the loretto chapel with its famous spiral staircase
santa fe national cemetery
santa fe national cemetery
El Santuario de Chimayó - a town with one restaurant and the mexican food is to die for!
El Santuario de Chimayó - a town with one restaurant and the mexican food is to die for!
tailgate sale on Red chile ristras at the Chimayó country store
tailgate sale on Red chile ristras at the Chimayó country store
you can never have too many shots of doors as unique as these
you can never have too many shots of doors as unique as these
cacti in bandelier national monument park
cacti in bandelier national monument park
forest path to the alcove house in bandelier park - only sound to be heard was the wind through these pine trees - even the Eos Rebel T6s can’t capture that
forest path to the alcove house in bandelier park - only sound to be heard was the wind through these pine trees - even the Eos Rebel T6s can’t capture that
ruins of dwellings built by the Ancestral Pueblo people
ruins of dwellings built by the Ancestral Pueblo people
amazing experience to climb into the chambers
amazing experience to climb into the chambers
The alcove house - perched on a cliff 140 feet up
The alcove house - perched on a cliff 140 feet up
wildlife in bandelier park. didn't see any of their lizards or rattlesnakes
wildlife in bandelier park. didn't see any of their lizards or rattlesnakes
ancient pueblo in taos build in 1450 A.D.
ancient pueblo in taos build in 1450 A.D.
The Pueblo is made entirely of adobe - earth mixed with water and straw - walls are frequently several feet thick
The Pueblo is made entirely of adobe - earth mixed with water and straw - walls are frequently several feet thick
St. Jerome Chapel, completed in 1850  /  adobe ovens
St. Jerome Chapel, completed in 1850 / adobe ovens
pueblo graveyard around church which was destroyed in the War with Mexico by the U.S. Army in 1847
pueblo graveyard around church which was destroyed in the War with Mexico by the U.S. Army in 1847
can’t drive down route 66 without stopping to capture some of these beauties
can’t drive down route 66 without stopping to capture some of these beauties
retro taos inn neon sign
retro taos inn neon sign
title slate-NEW MEXICO.jpg
adobe architecture - New Mexico Museum of Art - santa fe
adobe architecture - New Mexico Museum of Art - santa fe
performing arts theatre
performing arts theatre
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
christmas eve canyon road walk - art gallery district
christmas eve canyon road walk - art gallery district
donna - from the dine tribe - posed for me
donna - from the dine tribe - posed for me
strong shadows on adobe
strong shadows on adobe
santa fe public library
santa fe public library
ghost ranch - site for many western movies including city slickers and Magnificent 7
ghost ranch - site for many western movies including city slickers and Magnificent 7
chimney rock at ghost ranch - georgia o'keefe lived and sketched here
chimney rock at ghost ranch - georgia o'keefe lived and sketched here
capturing the breathtaking view atop chimney rock plateau. (left photo: unknowing selfie; photo credit: ivy)
capturing the breathtaking view atop chimney rock plateau. (left photo: unknowing selfie; photo credit: ivy)
looking westward these incredibly ominous rock formations
looking westward these incredibly ominous rock formationsthis was a spectacular view from atop Chimney Rock
leaving ghost ranch area at sunset - the colour change in these rocks throughout the day is simply magical
leaving ghost ranch area at sunset - the colour change in these rocks throughout the day is simply magical
and speaking of magic, New Mexico night skies are just unreal
and speaking of magic, New Mexico night skies are just unreal
the loretto chapel with its famous spiral staircase
the loretto chapel with its famous spiral staircase
santa fe national cemetery
santa fe national cemetery
El Santuario de Chimayó - a town with one restaurant and the mexican food is to die for!
El Santuario de Chimayó - a town with one restaurant and the mexican food is to die for!
tailgate sale on Red chile ristras at the Chimayó country store
tailgate sale on Red chile ristras at the Chimayó country store
you can never have too many shots of doors as unique as these
you can never have too many shots of doors as unique as these
cacti in bandelier national monument park
cacti in bandelier national monument park
forest path to the alcove house in bandelier park - only sound to be heard was the wind through these pine trees - even the Eos Rebel T6s can’t capture that
forest path to the alcove house in bandelier park - only sound to be heard was the wind through these pine trees - even the Eos Rebel T6s can’t capture that
ruins of dwellings built by the Ancestral Pueblo people
ruins of dwellings built by the Ancestral Pueblo people
amazing experience to climb into the chambers
amazing experience to climb into the chambers
The alcove house - perched on a cliff 140 feet up
The alcove house - perched on a cliff 140 feet up
wildlife in bandelier park. didn't see any of their lizards or rattlesnakes
wildlife in bandelier park. didn't see any of their lizards or rattlesnakes
ancient pueblo in taos build in 1450 A.D.
ancient pueblo in taos build in 1450 A.D.
The Pueblo is made entirely of adobe - earth mixed with water and straw - walls are frequently several feet thick
The Pueblo is made entirely of adobe - earth mixed with water and straw - walls are frequently several feet thick
St. Jerome Chapel, completed in 1850  /  adobe ovens
St. Jerome Chapel, completed in 1850 / adobe ovens
pueblo graveyard around church which was destroyed in the War with Mexico by the U.S. Army in 1847
pueblo graveyard around church which was destroyed in the War with Mexico by the U.S. Army in 1847
can’t drive down route 66 without stopping to capture some of these beauties
can’t drive down route 66 without stopping to capture some of these beauties
retro taos inn neon sign
retro taos inn neon sign
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